Flight 1
F1M1 (Round Robin): Kjellberg -vs- Echegoyen
F1M2 (Round Robin): Leroy -vs- Bekkering
F1M3 (Round Robin): Macgregor -vs- Abrahamsen
F1M4 (Round Robin): Skudina -vs- Meldegaard
Flight 2
F2M1 (Round Robin): Echegoyen -vs- Bekkering
F2M2 (Round Robin): Skudina -vs- Kjellberg
F2M3 (Round Robin): Leroy -vs- Abrahamsen
F2M4 (Round Robin): Macgregor -vs- Meldegaard
Flight 3
F3M1 (Round Robin): Leroy -vs- Meldegaard
F3M2 (Round Robin): Macgregor -vs- Kjellberg
F3M3 (Round Robin): Abrahamsen -vs- Goncalves
F3M4 (Round Robin): Bekkering -vs- Dekleva
Flight 4
F4M1 (Round Robin): Abrahamsen -vs- Kjellberg
F4M2 (Round Robin): Bekkering -vs- Goncalves
F4M3 (Round Robin): Meldegaard -vs- Dekleva
Flight 5
F5M1 (Round Robin): Goncalves -vs- Bossard
F5M2 (Round Robin): Dekleva -vs- Mulder
F5M3 (Round Robin): Kjellberg -vs- Rocca
F5M4 (Round Robin): Meldegaard -vs- Le Berre
Flight 6
F6M1 (Round Robin): Kjellberg -vs- Bossard
F6M2 (Round Robin): Meldegaard -vs- Mulder
F6M3 (Round Robin): Dekleva -vs- Rocca
Flight 7
F7M1 (Round Robin): Bossard -vs- Rocca
F7M2 (Round Robin): Mulder -vs- Le Berre
F7M3 (Round Robin): Goncalves -vs- Skudina
F7M4 (Round Robin): Dekleva -vs- Echegoyen
Flight 8
F8M1 (Round Robin): Mulder -vs- Skudina
F8M2 (Round Robin): Rocca -vs- Echegoyen
F8M3 (Round Robin): Abrahamsen -vs- Bossard
F8M4 (Round Robin): Le Berre -vs- Bekkering
Flight 9
F9M1 (Round Robin): Mulder -vs- Echegoyen
F9M2 (Round Robin): Bossard -vs- Skudina
F9M3 (Round Robin): Le Berre -vs- Abrahamsen
F9M4 (Round Robin): Rocca -vs- Bekkering
Flight 10
F10M1 (Round Robin): Kjellberg -vs- Mulder
F10M2 (Round Robin): Dekleva -vs- Le Berre
F10M3 (Round Robin): Meldegaard -vs- Bossard
F10M4 (Round Robin): Goncalves -vs- Rocca
Flight 11
F11M1 (Round Robin): Bossard -vs- Le Berre
F11M2 (Round Robin): Goncalves -vs- Mulder
F11M3 (Round Robin): Meldegaard -vs- Rocca
F11M4 (Round Robin): Kjellberg -vs- Dekleva
Flight 12
F12M1 (Round Robin): Meldegaard -vs- Goncalves
F12M2 (Round Robin): Kjellberg -vs- Le Berre
F12M3 (Round Robin): Rocca -vs- Leroy
F12M4 (Round Robin): Macgregor -vs- Dekleva
Flight 13
F13M1 (Round Robin): Dekleva -vs- Leroy
F13M2 (Round Robin): Goncalves -vs- Echegoyen
F13M3 (Round Robin): Le Berre -vs- Skudina
F13M4 (Round Robin): Rocca -vs- Macgregor
Flight 14
F14M1 (Round Robin): Le Berre -vs- Leroy
F14M2 (Round Robin): Mulder -vs- Macgregor
F14M3 (Round Robin): Bossard -vs- Echegoyen
F14M4 (Round Robin): Rocca -vs- Skudina
Flight 15
F15M1 (Round Robin): Le Berre -vs- Macgregor
F15M2 (Round Robin): Bossard -vs- Leroy
F15M3 (Round Robin): Abrahamsen -vs- Rocca
F15M4 (Round Robin): Bekkering -vs- Mulder
Flight 16
F16M1 (Round Robin): Mulder -vs- Leroy
F16M2 (Round Robin): Bekkering -vs- Bossard
F16M3 (Round Robin): Macgregor -vs- Goncalves
F16M4 (Round Robin): Abrahamsen -vs- Dekleva
Flight 17
F17M1 (Round Robin): Macgregor -vs- Bekkering
F17M2 (Round Robin): Leroy -vs- Goncalves
F17M3 (Round Robin): Abrahamsen -vs- Mulder
F17M4 (Round Robin): Dekleva -vs- Bossard
Flight 18
F18M1 (Round Robin): Echegoyen -vs- Abrahamsen
F18M2 (Round Robin): Dekleva -vs- Skudina
F18M3 (Round Robin): Kjellberg -vs- Goncalves
F18M4 (Round Robin): Bekkering -vs- Meldegaard
Flight 19
F19M1 (Round Robin): Goncalves -vs- Dekleva
F19M2 (Round Robin): Bekkering -vs- Kjellberg
F19M3 (Round Robin): Skudina -vs- Abrahamsen
F19M4 (Round Robin): Echegoyen -vs- Meldegaard
Flight 20
F20M1 (Round Robin): Skudina -vs- Bekkering
F20M2 (Round Robin): Abrahamsen -vs- Meldegaard
F20M3 (Round Robin): Echegoyen -vs- Macgregor
F20M4 (Round Robin): Leroy -vs- Kjellberg
Flight 21
F21M1 (Round Robin): Bekkering -vs- Abrahamsen
F21M2 (Round Robin): Goncalves -vs- Le Berre
F21M3 (Round Robin): Echegoyen -vs- Leroy
F21M4 (Round Robin): Skudina -vs- Macgregor
Flight 22
F22M1 (Round Robin): Skudina -vs- Leroy
F22M2 (Round Robin): Bossard -vs- Macgregor
F22M3 (Round Robin): Mulder -vs- Rocca
F22M4 (Round Robin): Le Berre -vs- Echegoyen
Flight 23
F23M1 (Round Robin): Bossard -vs- Mulder
F23M2 (Round Robin): Rocca -vs- Le Berre
F23M3 (Round Robin): Echegoyen -vs- Skudina
F23M4 (Round Robin): Leroy -vs- Macgregor
Flight 24
F24M1 (Round Robin): Meldegaard -vs- Kjellberg
Flight 25
F25M1 (QF1): Dekleva -vs- Leroy
F25M2 (QF2): Macgregor -vs- Goncalves
F25M3 (QF3): Rocca -vs- Skudina
F25M4 (QF4): Le Berre -vs- Echegoyen
Flight 26
F26M1 (QF1): Leroy -vs- Dekleva
F26M2 (QF2): Goncalves -vs- Macgregor
F26M3 (QF3): Skudina -vs- Rocca
F26M4 (QF4): Echegoyen -vs- Le Berre
Flight 27
F27M1 (QF1): Dekleva -vs- Leroy
F27M2 (QF2): Macgregor -vs- Goncalves
F27M3 (QF3): Rocca -vs- Skudina
F27M4 (QF4): Le Berre -vs- Echegoyen
Flight 28
F28M1 (QF1): Leroy -vs- Dekleva
F28M2 (QF2): Goncalves -vs- Macgregor
F28M3 (QF3): Skudina -vs- Rocca
F28M4 (QF4): Echegoyen -vs- Le Berre
Flight 29
F29M1 (QF1): Dekleva -vs- Leroy
F29M2 (QF2): Macgregor -vs- Goncalves
F29M3 (QF3): Rocca -vs- Skudina
F29M4 (QF4): Le Berre -vs- Echegoyen
Flight 30
F30M1 (5th to 8th): Dekleva -vs- Goncalves
F30M2 (5th to 8th): Skudina -vs- Echegoyen
F30M3 (Semi Final 2): Rocca -vs- Leroy
F30M4 (Semi Final 1): Le Berre -vs- Macgregor
Flight 31
F31M1 (5th to 8th): Skudina -vs- Dekleva
F31M2 (5th to 8th): Goncalves -vs- Echegoyen
F31M3 (Semi Final 2): Leroy -vs- Rocca
F31M4 (Semi Final 1): Macgregor -vs- Le Berre
Flight 32
F32M1 (5th to 8th): Goncalves -vs- Skudina
F32M2 (5th to 8th): Echegoyen -vs- Dekleva
F32M3 (Semi Final 2): Rocca -vs- Leroy
F32M4 (Semi Final 1): Le Berre -vs- Macgregor
Flight 33
F33M2 (Semi Final 2): Leroy -vs- Rocca
F33M1 (Semi Final 1): Macgregor -vs- Le Berre
Flight 34
F34M2 (Semi Final 2): Rocca -vs- Leroy
F34M1 (Semi Final 1): Le Berre -vs- Macgregor
Flight 35
F35M1 (Petit Final): Le Berre -vs- Rocca
F35M2 (Final): Macgregor -vs- Leroy
Flight 36
F36M1 (Petit Final): Rocca -vs- Le Berre
F36M2 (Final): Leroy -vs- Macgregor
Flight 37
F37M1 (Petit Final): Le Berre -vs- Rocca
F37M2 (Final): Macgregor -vs- Leroy
Flight 38
F38M1 (Final): Leroy -vs- Macgregor
Flight 39
F39M1 (Final): Macgregor -vs- Leroy